Welcome to the Paideia Community

We believe that together we can shape scholar’s futures. Through quality education and character development, our scholars develop the skills and tools for success. We provide a safe, caring environment where scholars experience an increased sense of belonging, gain confidence as they find their voice, and grow in their ability to create lasting connections.

At Paideia Academies, we develop scholars’ leadership skills through our Leader in Me program and by integrating the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People into everyday life. Committed to the success of our young people, we provide a community that develops the whole child – body, mind, heart, spirit. Scholars build a strong foundation so they can achieve success in school, career, citizenship, and family life.

A Culture of Empowerment for the Whole Child

Driven to make a difference in our community and empower scholars to succeed through the development of the whole child, we carefully created a curriculum and programs that allow for the self-actualization of our scholar’s highest potential through mindful thought and inquiry.

Working collaboratively with our families and community is key to our scholars’ overall development, and ultimately, their long-term success.

We love hearing from you! Let us know how we can help.